Kevin Anderson

KAPUSKASING – It was a day filled with big support, big surprises and big money.

This past Thursday, Sensenbrenner Hospital kicked off its CT scan fundraising campaign, bringing in nearly one-third of the $1.7 million needed to purchase the machine and do the renovations needed to house it, with a haul of $505, 521.85.

Among the more notable donations of the day, were one of $125,000 from Caisse Populaire Kapuskasing and a whopping $250,000 donation from the Sensenbrenner Hospital Auxiliary to the project.

“It was an excellent day,” said Fundraising Chair, Lianne Jean. “We’d like to thank everyone who not only contributed, but who came out to show their support for the project throughout the launch event.

“The amount of money raised, combined with that support demonstrates that this community recognizes the importance of this project at its hospital and the many benefits it can bring to Kapuskasing and the surrounding area.”

That need was never more evident than during the testimonials given by numerous individuals including local doctor’s, the hospital’s imaging staff and perhaps most effectively, by Jacques Guertin, who told of his harrowing experience several years ago.

“I had a four-wheeler accident while out hunting with my son several years ago, which saw me end up with an unstable fracture of my C1 vertebrae,” said Guertin. “I had an x-ray, which confirmed the diagnosis but the trauma centre in Sudbury wouldn’t accept the diagnosis without a CT scan,” he recalled.

“Timmins and District Hospital couldn’t give me a CT scan until the next morning… All in all, it took 30 hours before I made it to the trauma centre in Sudbury and during that time, the swelling in my neck closed off my airway and sent me into respiratory failure.

“We don’t need a CT scanner just for the patients. We need a CT scanner for the people, who are crying outside the room, not sure if the doctors are going to be able to open an airway and save their loved one… not sure if their loved one is going to be paralyzed from the neck down.

“What my family and I went through was very difficult, but I am happy to be able to stand here today and tell you my story so people will know how important a CT scanner is for our community.

“With a scanner here, I could have been quickly diagnosed and sent to the trauma centre, avoiding a long wait. I could have avoided respiratory failure and I could have avoided a greater risk of paralysis.”

Those wishing to contribute to the Sensenbrenner Hospital CT Scan Fundraising effort can do so through several methods including one-time donations or monthly pre-approved payments via cheque, cash, debit or credit card, or by donating online at: