Kyle Lincez
For The Community Press
Kapuskasing’s North Centennial Manor hosted its annual general meeting (AGM) on Nov. 28.
The evening meeting featured members of its Board of Directors, and Administration team, with the subjects being touched on including 2017’s financial statements, and a report from the Chairman of the Board, Rick Lafleur, detailing some of the year’s accomplishments.
According to the financial report, the Manor saw overall net assets of $667,000, with its operating liabilities of $560, 000 and operating net assets of $107,000.
“One of our greatest successes for the year is that we’ve reduced our debt and loan to Caisse Populaire, which should be completely paid off by the year 2019,” Lafleur said. “We’ve also decreased our emergency visits per year and have been compliant with the ministry’s regulations.
“We’ve received extra funding for a registered nurse position. We’ve hired a nurse practitioner and she’s been performing well for a year and a half. We have a very active family council that has applied for a grant for a new gazebo and walking path, and that is looking likely to happen.
“We have an amazing administration team, our general operations are in very good standing. We’ve decreased overtime costs, and we have a balanced budget. It’s huge. We’ve accomplished a lot this year.”
In regards to plans for 2019, Manor administrator Claude Tremblay, said there were a number of items in the works.
“We made an application last winter for 18 new beds,” Tremblay said. “We’re still waiting for the Ministry to respond on this. This is something we’re looking forward to having in order to better help the community.”
Other improvements that the Manor is hoping to see next year include maintaining the quality of care offered, as well as increasing the services for behaviour support in order to better meet the individual needs of each resident.
“The Ministry has announced new funding for Nurse Practitioners in long-term care,” he said. “So that is a sign that they are aware those are needed positions for us to help and maintain the quality of services to our residents.”
Tremblay was hopeful that with the long-term debt finally soon-to-be cleared, that the Manor could begin moving forward towards investing in new capital equipment.
“Our next big goal is to purchase and invest in a WanderGuard system, as well as further increasing our nurse call bell systems,” he said.
This AGM marked Lafleur’s final meeting as chair, with the new mayor of Kapuskasing, Dave Plourde, filling in the position during the next meeting in the New Year.
“I’d like to thank all of the board members for their support over the last year,” Lafleur said. “This will be my last meeting. At the next meeting, the mayor will be here, as chair, and then a decision will have to be made if he will stay on, or appoint someone else.”
During this time, Lafleur gave thanks to the Board and staff for his time there.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank the management, and the administration team of the manor for a job well done.”