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KAPUSKASING – The Kap Sno-Rovers snowmobile club will be hosting its annual Poker Rally on Saturday, Feb. 2.

Participants must register between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at one of two locations, either La Forge Jos Godin in Kapuskasing or the Damco Fuels gas station in Moonbeam.

The cost is $20 for each poker hand purchased.

Participants must return to La Forge before 4:30 p.m. in order to qualify for prizes. Just off of the Top A trail near Brunetville Rd. a short section of new trail will be opened to facilitate snowmobile access to the facility.

Participants will receive a numbered card at each of the four checkpoints (La Forge, Damco Fuels, Lily Creek on trail #L123 southeast of Kapuskasing and the intersection of trails #L123 and #L145 southwest of Kapuskasing before heading back to La Forge.

The run is approximately 125 km in length and maps of the course will be available.

Upon returning to La Forge, participants must present their four vouchers in exchange for five cards, which will constitute their poker hand. Two of these cards may be exchanged at a cost of $5 each.

After 4:30 p.m. prizes will be distributed to those holding the top three poker hands with 25 per cent of returns going to the first-place finisher, 15 per cent of returns to the second-place finisher and 10 per cent of returns going to the third-place finisher. Participation prizes will also be drawn.

The snack bar at La Forge will be open from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For more information, dial 705-335-2055.